Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Trip Number Two to L.A.

Last weekend my parents took me back to L.A. and as you can see I did a better job at staying awake BUT I only managed to stay awake until we got on the plane. The ride to the end of the runway put me to sleep. I missed the whole thing again! I tried so hard! I wanted to feel what it was like to fly through the sky like the birds I've been noticing lately.

I got to see Uncle M.J. again. He was even more fun than the last time I saw him. He made all sorts of funny faces at me and he was really good at making silly noises too. He even let me drool on his hands a little bit.

Finally I met someone who was smaller than me! My mommy is holding Danny, her friend J.J.'s son. He is only two weeks old and weighs about 7 pounds. Can you believe that I was almost that small just 4 months ago??? No wonder I am tired all the time! I've been doing a lot of growing!!

Oh, did I mention how hot is was in LA? I thought it was hot where I live but it almost felt hotter in L.A. My parents told me that I was spoiled because I am used to air conditioning, fans, and humidifiers. Grandpa Gordon took me for my first dip in the pool. I can't wait until I am able to go swimming like cousin Malia.

Cousin Malia was so excited to see me. She likes to play with me and help Mommy feed and change me. I can't wait until I can move around so I can keep up with her! I think she'll be even more excited to see me and play with me then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Myles, Last time you were in LA it was Too Cold, this time is was Too Hot, next time it will be Just Right...hey that reminds me of a story about a girl and three bears......