Tuesday, June 3, 2008

More people I met along my journey...

This is a picture of Mommy and Daddy and their friends Mike and Laura-Ann. They were going out for a night on the town and decided to take this funny picture, like they were posing for the prom or something. Uncle Mike and Auntie Laura-Ann are fun people and they seem to go where ever I go. I see them in Arizona a lot and then I went to LA they were there too! I am glad that they around so much because they are fun to play with and they have a dog I can play with when I am bigger.

This is Max. He is almost 3 years old and his mommy (Tammy) and my mommy are friends...

This is Anni. She is 6 years old. I went to her dance recital on Saturday to watch her dance on this big stage. I was able to stay awake long enough to see her first dance but I couldn't make it up through the whole thing. I missed part of it because it was during my nap time.

Here she is holding me. That is her mommy, Auntie Christine.

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