Last weekend Daddy spent all weekend studying for a test at work. I wanted to be just like Daddy so Mommy gave me a book and I tried to do what Daddy was doing. I tried to copy him but all I knew how to do with the book was try and put it into my mouth. Daddy didn't try and put the computer in his mouth, I wonder why? By the way- Daddy passed the test today! Yeah for Daddy!
Okay, so I might not actually be reading (yet) but I am having fun anyway. Look Grandma Colleen- I am doing my summer reading, can I be in your program at your library now?
They say that studying with a partner increases your retention of the subject matter so I guess Daddy owes a lot of his success to Myles helping him (and maybe a little bit,too, to the long hours of studying he has put in!). Way to go, Rashad!
Hey Myles, Looks like you've been pretty busy. Where did you find the time to get a fancy-smancy blog format?
Miss you....LA
Rashad! Congrats on passing the test! That is awesome...we will celebrate tonight, for sure.
Also, I wanted you to know that the Los Angeles Raiders comment was a bait...just keeping you on your toes!
Also, thanks for linking to me!
Also, Myles in the still cutest ever.
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