Here is my Uncle D. We have a special thing because Uncle D stayed up with me the first night I came home from the hospital. He is so cool, you know sometimes when Mommy and Daddy aren't looking I check him out on that big t.v. my dad has.
Here is my big Gordon Family.. In the back row we have Uncle D, Umi, Aunt Tee Tee, Cousin Cheryl, Aunt Maiya, Grandpa. Then in the front row we have Mommy holding cousin Malia, T.J., J.T. me and Daddy. The Gordon's have a pool! Cousin Malia is so lucky, I hope I get one soon.
Here is cousin Malia. She was so much fun, I can't wait until I can run around with her. She helped Mommy change my diaper and she helped Umi feed me. She told me that she loves me and she can't wait to teach me how to do neat things like color and write my name.