Monday, July 20, 2009

OC County Fair

Where are we going now? Lots of people, big spinning things, animals, and weird food? Ohh- a fair- sign me up.

MOOOO? Now I get it. The cow says, "moooo." I say words and the cow says, "mooo."

Don't know that I've ever seen that many people in one spot, and we went on a weekday- the not so crowded day.

I love BIRDS! They are so fun to watch and when I chase after them they fly away. I love to see them fly! My Auntie Laura-Ann is going to be so disappointed in me but-I LOVE BIRDS!


My parents and I went down to the pier the other day. I love living in California. I get to do so many things outside. Playing near the water is one of my new favorite activities.

Go Big Blue!

Mommy and Daddy and Uncle M.J. (aka Day-Day) took me to see my first Dodger game. It was a warm day for a game but we had so much fun. I was even able to stay awake for "Take Me Out to the Ball Game."

This is my "I am hot, why-do-I-have-to-smile-for-another-picture-pouty-face."

I got to sit in my own seat for awhile. I love being a big boy!